Distinct Area Profiles

Distinct Residential and Business Areas

Rocky View County is both vast in area and diverse in its communities, landscapes, and industries. To capture the unique identity of the numerous residential and business areas across the county, the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) will introduce a new policy concept called Distinct Areas.

By identifying Distinct Areas across the County, the MDP can define the local context, unique character, and values of each community. This will enable the MDP to promote location specific development that is sensitive to the unique identity and character of each community.

Future County projects to update the Land Use Bylaw will play an integral role in the implementation of the Distinct Areas.

The image is a map titled "Rocky View County Distinct Business & Residential Areas" that highlights various areas and boundaries within Rocky View County. It includes the following elements:  Legend:  Rocky View County Boundary: Denoted with a black outli

Distinct Agricultural Areas

The County’s land uses are predominantly Agricultural (~91%), which support a wide range of activities including farming, ranching, agricultural processing, and agricultural tourism. To capture the diversity of rural communities across the County, the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) will introduce a new policy concept, called Distinct Agricultural Areas.

The Distinct Agricultural Areas allow the MDP to define the local context, unique character, and values of each community. This will enable the MDP to provide specific policies to support the development needs of agricultural communities and their diverse landscapes, environmental conditions, and existing infrastructure.

Considerations from the current project to update the County’s Agriculture Master Plan are being incorporated into the development of the Distinct Agricultural Areas. Future County projects to update the Land Use Bylaw will play an integral role in the implementation of the Distinct Agricultural Areas.

The image is a map titled "Rocky View County Distinct Agricultural Areas" that highlights various agricultural regions and related areas within Rocky View County. The map includes the following elements:  Legend:  Rocky View County Boundary: Marked with a