
Rocky View County is updating its Municipal Development Plan, an important document that will decide how the county grows and develops over the next 20 years.

The project is currently in Stage 2 Engagement, which includes several in-person and online opportunities to provide input and feedback on the project. The next steps of the project include:

  • Stage 2A (June 2024): Will seek to validate and finalize the Distinct Area Profiles introduced in Stage 1, ask specific questions regarding management of the County’s Agricultural lands, and seek further feedback on some of the County-wide policy areas that require further consideration.
  • Drafting of the MDP (Summer 2024): The project team will produce draft sections of the MDP.
  • Stage 2B (Fall 2024): The project team will release draft sections of the MDP and organize additional engagement events (both in-person and online) to receive comment and feedback. This stage will be an iterative engagement process with multiple opportunities to receive public input.


Project Timline