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Thank you to all residents who participated in the public engagement on Budget 2025! The engagement is now closed.

A "What We Heard" report will summarize all feedback collected. This report will be posted on this page and presented to Rocky View County Council alongside the draft budget during a Special Council meeting in November/December 2024.

During the Special Council meeting on Budget 2025, members of the public can share their views directly with Council. Information on the date and time of this meeting will be shared here: Meetings & Hearings | Rocky View County.

Listening to residents

Each year, Rocky View County budgets, plans, and invests in the future based on residents' needs and community priorities.

Your voices matter! Initiatives like budget engagement and the County's annual Citizen Satisfaction Survey are valuable tools for local governments to understand residents' needs, concerns, and satisfaction levels with services.

We want to thank the over 1,300 residents who participated in the April 2024 Citizen Satisfaction Survey. Residents have identified areas that need attention, including:

  • Growth & Development
  • Economic Development
  • Public Engagement
  • Building Permits & Inspections

As we develop the 2025 Budget, we encourage residents to share their views and experiences in the surveys below. Management and staff across Rocky View County will use the information collected to inform services, and all feedback received will be shared with Rocky View County Council along with the draft of the 2025 budget.

How to participate

  • Complete one or all of the six surveys below (each survey takes 3-5 minutes to complete)
  • Join the online forum below
  • Book an in-person workshop with the project team

Share your views for the future

Help steer the County's path forward! We value your input on the County's strategic goals, current growth & development management, and services for residents. Your feedback is vital for budget preparations and guiding County initiatives.

All surveys are now closed

Help guide service improvements

These services below have been identified by residents in the Citizen Satisfaction Survey as needing more attention. Please share your views on how the County can improve public engagement, economic development and building permits and inspections.

What issues should Rocky View County focus on?

Join the conversation! Through the message board below, let us know the top issue you would like the County to focus on! (max 140 characters).

You have 140 characters left
Moderation Policy

1 September, 2024

Johanna says:

Reduce property taxes. We do not get any services. Like city water, garbage collection and other services, city residents get. We don’t.

18 August, 2024

Concerned resident says:

In 2022 and 2023 Council awarded the county tax increases of 4.97% and 9.7%. For 2025 find ways to reduce property tax % to 2021 levels.

12 August, 2024

Leah Pearce says:

Aggregate Resource Plan. The decision in the July 23/2024 Council meeting pushed it into 2026 budget year!

5 August, 2024

Katie says:

Would love a nice walking path that loops around!

1 August, 2024

VeggieFarmer says:

Planning and development and roads, better fire response - more, I'm worried about the increase in industrial and not able to handle that.

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

Phone 403 230 1401