Rocky View County is currently in phase 2 of public engagement on a revised Agriculture Master Plan. This updated draft plan aims to identify the needs and priorities of the agricultural community, establish goals for future growth and innovation, and provide a roadmap for achieving these objectives.
The County has engaged with local farmers, agri-businesses, and residents to create a draft of the Agriculture Master Plan. During phase 1 of engagement, participants shared their views on the following:
- Protecting agricultural land
- Farm succession & flexible land use
- Sharing the priorities and contributions of agriculture
- Renewable energy & environmental sustainability
- Road infrastructure
- Legislated programs
Please participate in the survey below to share your views on the direction and actions proposed in the draft Agriculture Master Plan.
What is an Agriculture Master Plan?
The Agriculture Master Plan is a strategic guiding document that outlines the long-term vision and policy framework for agriculture and land use planning for our agricultural community. It supports and promotes the agricultural industry by addressing key issues such as land use policy, economic development, infrastructure, and environmental sustainability.
The plan identifies the needs and priorities of the agricultural community, sets goals for future growth and innovation, and provides a roadmap for achieving these objectives.
Project Timeline
Timeline item 1 - complete
Phase 1 Public Engagement
June 13 - July 21, 2024: Phase 1 of public engagement included an online survey, a collaborative workshop, and one-on-one conversations with the project team.
Timeline item 2 - active
Phase 2 Public Engagement
January 2025: A draft Agriculture Master Plan has been shared with engagement participants and the public for additional comments and review.
Timeline item 3 - incomplete
Engagement Phase 2 Summary Report
Spring 2025: A What We Heard report will be shared to summarize and communicate all feedback gathered throughout the second phase of engagement.
Timeline item 4 - incomplete
Final Agriculture Master Plan
Spring 2025: A final Agriculture Master Plan will be shared with the public.
Engagement Phase 1
Phase 1 of engagement on the took place in the summer of 2024. A What We Heard Report is available to read here.
There were three ways to participate in this phase of engagement:
1. Online survey to gather feedback on the vision and goals of a new master plan and resident satisfaction with the current programs and services offered by Agricultural Services at the County.
2. Collaborative workshops to learn from residents their views on generational planning, current and future land-use policies, and essential infrastructure such as roads and water. The workshop allowed for deeper conservation and exchange of information and ideas.
3. One-on-one conversations with members of the Agricultural Services team.
Thank you to the many Rocky View County agricultural community members who dedicated countless hours to help the project team review and update the County's Agriculture Master Plan.
Engagement Phase 2
The second and final phase of engagement on the revised Agriculture Master Plan will highlight new sections of the plan, demonstrate how public feedback contributed to the plan, and build understanding and awareness of actions included in the plan.
You can engage in one of two ways:
- Complete the online survey
- Be a part of a community conversation
Provide Your Feedback!
Have your say on the Agriculture Master Plan
Online Survey
Community Conversations
Rocky View County is holding community conversations about the draft Agriculture Master Plan. We invite you to join us for a 30-minute discussion to provide feedback, followed by lunch. Please share your thoughts on Rocky View County's plan to support the agriculture sector over the next 10 years.
Community Conversations:
- Madden Community Hall - January 17
- Indus Rec Centre - January 27
- Jumping Pound Community Hall - January 30
- Irricana Hall - January 31
Please invite your neighbours and RSVP here.
We're excited to see you!