
Thank you to the 126 participants who shared their views on the Aggregate Resource Plan Stakeholder Advisory Committee’s final report and recommendations. A "What We Heard" report summarizing feedback is available.

This report, along with recommendations from County Administration, was presented to Rocky View County’s Council on July 23. Council has directed Administration to provide a follow-up report by the end of 2024. This report will include an analysis of the Committee’s findings, recommended actions, a detailed work plan, and a review of budget implications.


Aggregates, such as gravel, crushed stone, and sand, are raw materials sourced from natural pits and quarries. These resources are essential for building roads and homes, among other things.

Rocky View County is working to understand how best to guide the aggregate resource industry to determine where extraction can occur and what additional measures are necessary in addition to current regulations to ensure this industry is conducted carefully and responsibly within the County.

To guide this work, Rocky View County formed an Aggregate Resource Plan Stakeholder Advisory Committee consisting of representatives from the country's residential residents, agricultural operators and landowners, and the industrial sector. The Committee worked from August 2023 until spring 2024 and has released a final report, which includes recommendations for the County to consider for future stages of the Aggregate Resource Plan project.

Committee Work

With submission of the Aggregate Resource Plan Stakeholder Advisory Committee: Recommendations & Final Report, the Committee's mandate has been fulfilled and its function is considered complete.

The purpose of the Committee was to provide recommendations on the creation of an Aggregate Resource Plan to Council. The Committee delivered on the following mandate: 

  • Agree upon principles and approaches to guide the Aggregate Resource Plan, which reconcile the interests of residents, landowners, aggregate operators, environmental stakeholders, and the County. 

  • In the event that the Committee cannot achieve agreement, the committee shall consider areas of particular importance that need to be addressed.

  • Identify gaps in the previous Aggregate Resource Plan draft or the current Aggregate Resource Plan Terms of Reference, that should be addressed in any new document. 

  • Suggest areas of improvement that are required to the previous Aggregate Resource Plan draft.

  • Propose desired public and stakeholder engagement methods for the Aggregate Resource Plan project (e.g., frequency, type, location, and timing of engagement).

Aggregate Resource Committee Recommendations Survey

Thank you for your participation in the Aggregate Resource Committee Recommendations Survey.

Results of the survey are now available in the What We Heard Report.